Navy Seal Hand to Hand Combatives

The Official Hand to Hand Combat System of the U.S. Navy Seals

Rapid Assault Tactics (R.A.T.) is a self-defense system developed at the request of the United States Navy. This highly efficient technology serves as an example of why military special forces from Israel, Russia, and Germany seek to emulate the most skilled fighters in the world, the U.S. Special Forces.

The R.A.T. was specifically developed for the U.S. Navy Seals as a primary combative program based on Jeet Kune Do martial arts. Rapid Assault Tactics focus on identifying the phase (or range) in which an attack situation is occurring and responding to it with appropriate tools, typically using the HKE approach (headbutts, knees, and elbows).

These new skills were designed for situations where elite special forces found themselves suddenly without a gun or even a pocket knife and possibly wounded, surprised by an ambush, outnumbered, and with the violence around them reaching the point of life and death. In short, a situation where everything is completely chaotic, much like what one might encounter on the street when attacked unexpectedly.

Seal Team 6 received instruction in JKD and Kali in Virginia in 1987. Shahram Moosavi was asked to assist with this crucial training.

US Navy Seals